Pneumatics machine

12 01, 2023

The dried food collected these | data to remember please, just make know pneumatics machine!

2023-01-12T00:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

In pneumatics accident travel, various data showed the ” of “ healthy state when equipment moves, the technician that has experience can discover the space with problem, energy-saving discovery from inside real data. The foundation in mastering accident of a few pneumatics to go is current data, maintain facility to us, the use pneumatics chance with summary better rule has very great help. Understand together! 1 leader moves the outlet temperature of nose of data   ★ to be wind

11 01, 2023

Must pneumatics machine match gas tank?

2023-01-11T12:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , |

Gas tank, just as its name implies stores namely compress airy jar, general compression air system needs to deploy gas tank, it is   of one of reducing air system important link [Fusion_widgethotrandom_image__folder="wp-content/uploads/qiair" Hotrandom_image__width="100% "

10 01, 2023

The distinction between machine of odd screw pneumatics and machine of double screw pneumatics

2023-01-10T18:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

The distinction between machine of odd screw pneumatics and machine of double screw pneumatics can undertake comparative from the following respect: Radial of susceptive of equilibrium odd screw and axial gas force are OK self-poise, astral teeth of a cogwheel bears aeriform force, requirement star teeth of a cogwheel provides some enough strength and stiffness. Double screw rotor bears bigger radial and axial gas force, requirement screw has enough strength and stiffness. Production cost odd screw and astral annulus bearing can choose common bearing, production cost relatively

10 01, 2023

How to answer pneumatics machine winter to start difficulty

2023-01-10T12:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , |

Pneumatics machine has season of 3 big common “ ill ” needs to notice to defend before —— plum rains water-vapor proof and moistureproof, around of the three ten-day periods of the hot season prevents high temperature, winter prevents frost. As northward weather turn gradually cold, pneumatics machine how peacefully the heat topic that hibernate also became compressor to encircle. The viscosity that we know lube as temperature reduce can increase, the winter air temperature in north is general and inferior, if pneumatics pilot time stays machine, criterion

10 01, 2023

How should do when cannot be pneumatics machine started?

2023-01-10T06:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , |

If pneumatics good luck arrives when the case that cannot start, how should do? Not flurried, let personnel of pneumatics machine technology tell you. 1. Examine power source, if be the condition that power source did not put through, can close electrify source switch tells power source with receiving. 2. Control loop fuse fusing: Need changes instantly fuse, find out a reason and solve. 3. Hot overload relay disconnects: Correct overload account, reset heats up overload electric equipment. 4. If be voltage too low

9 01, 2023

Pneumatics turns on the water when machine is errant, what consequence can you have?

2023-01-09T12:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

The client asks: “ two months do not have my empty press turn on the water, what effect can you have? If ”   does not turn on the water, can bring about the water content in compressing air to increase, affect aeriform quality, produce an effect to the equipment using gas of back end; Effect of oil gas depart changes segregator of difference, oil gas presses difference to greaten, still can cause works rustily. How does water produce? Of the nose when pneumatics mechanic is made internal temperature is very tall, in inspiratory natural air

9 01, 2023

Why to choose without machine of oily screw pneumatics " high quality " , is " low case " ?

2023-01-09T00:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

According to statistic, 15% what occupy an enterprise to always use n about without bad news of function of oily screw pneumatics. Additional, in compressing airy preparation, the electric energy of about 90% by translate into quantity of heat, only the electric energy of 10% is become to compress air by changeover. This shows, the specific power consumption of air compressor is very tremendous. When buying machine of pneumatics of the screw that do not have oil, choosing cheap compressor is understandable, all these are for managing cost and be economical. However, when buying machine of the pneumatics that do not have oil, pass

8 01, 2023

Why to choose water machine of pneumatics of the lubricant screw that do not have oil?

2023-01-08T12:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

Water lubricates to use the pure water that permits accord with drink water gauge to lubricate without oily pneumatics machine, whole the participation that compresses a process to do not have oil completely. Because what this offers, is 100% those who do not have oil is clean compress air. Product characteristic: 1. Efficient, reliability is high, 100% pure the isotherm that compresses air, ideal without oil compresses, capacity: 2.3-21.3m3/min. 2. The electric control system with superior technology, show loving care for considerate maintenance to indicate every aircrew to all collect in order to

6 01, 2023

Pneumatics machine knowledge, the dried food is not hydrous.

2023-01-06T12:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

Compress air to waste the sources of energy as the 2nd great power that electric energy is next to only inside the factory, it is the basic safeguard that factory production moves. The member that the mechanical equipment that because this serves as,reduces air production defends moving person its post responsibility is quite main. But actually, the member that the operation of machine of pneumatics of big multitask factory runs a person is not come from entirely pursue this job professional or for a long time at this, often be temporarily perhaps can fly mechanism plane only, to basic compressor knowledge utterly ignorant. One, of compressor

6 01, 2023

The oil of the life of pneumatics machine

2023-01-06T00:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , |

Pneumatics engine oil is the necessary lubricant that pneumatics machine runs normally, the character of pneumatics engine oil, meet what affect pneumatics engine directly run state and service life. 1, between the object that the lubricating oil of action pneumatics engine of pneumatics engine oil uprights to move relatively at two, reduce two objects to produce the function of attrition because of the contact. Additional, it still is having cooling, antirust, clean, sealed gentle to rush wait for action. 2, the influence that unqualified lube brings is used actually in pneumatics machine in

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