In intense market competition, rely on quality ability to gain the market only, want the valid goal that achieves quality management, must begin to be made by the top management layer of the enterprise, so what does the error with quality common management have?
Error one: Rely on after the event one-sidedly to guard a pass
1, quality branch, it is pure quality inspection branch, have quality inspection function only, and without quality management the system maintains a function, do not have improvement in quality and perfect function more. Quality branch is in charge of examining only, and no matter quality runs other course of the system, assume quality management system without other branch again at the same time retentive duty, examine to producing quality quantity to be relied on entirely.
2, problem of quality of every occurrence product, to examine the branch investigates duty, and do not search an account to manufacturing branch, do not have the reason that goes searching process of pull current Cheng, government more.
3, aux would rather will much labor power, material resources and energy throw quality inspection and reject processing, and do not be willing to invest the resource of a bit quality management system to maintain, improve and perfect.
4, beforehand plan is not fulfilled, the control in the thing does not reach the designated position, know after the event to investigate unqualified duty only. Rely on after the event one-sidedly to guard a pass and ignore quality management system result of pilot of comprehensive, system, it is fraction defective disappears reduce, quality standard disappears rise, undesirable cost house does not fall high, quality benefit also cannot rise.
Error 2: Ignore scientific measure and method
The mainest show is: Rely on individual experience and act of be fond of completely, it is dominant with factitious element, administrative action is put in bigger subjective and optional sex, and the quality management system that throws a file to change, not exquisite quality manages the scientific sex of measure and method, rationality.
The “ that manages with contemporary quality finds out ‘ first correct thing ’ , find out the ’ of ‘ accurate method that does the thing ’ with correct ‘ again”Scientific principle photograph is compared, ignore scientific measure and method, be similar to “ to have a headache ” of foot of painful medical service of cure head, base and scattershot ground go to resource, energy dispersedly all sorts of do not know whether right thing to go up. Accordingly, ignore the quality management of scientific measure and method, discursive, nature won't have apparent effect, get half the result with twice the effort is infructuous even.
Error 3: The construction that does not pay attention to system of quality management system and perfect
The construction that emphasize employee individual one-sidedly improving and does not pay attention to system of quality management system and perfect, ignored the systematic environment effect to individual consciousness and ability, did not realize the both impact that supplement each other.
Problem of every occurrence quality, investigate duty to employee individual only, and the systematic loophole that does not seek quality management system and blemish.
One-sided requirement employee rises improve individual consciousness and technical ability, and negligence creation employee raises the requirement that improves consciousness and technical ability, do not offer groom the improvement environment such as safeguard of system of resource, management and drive.
Sink handles lair of specific quality issue, reject, know to immerse oneself in “ to discover a problem only - processing problem - the boundless vicious circle of rediscover problem ” , ascribe the reason of the problem to the inadequacy of employee individual quality, know to investigate the unqualified duty of employee only, and the leak of administrative system system that negligence causes these quality problems and blemish.
Error 4: To undesirable character phenomenon take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure
To undesirable character phenomenon take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, be just like processing environment pollution, clear only contaminant, and do not go jamming contaminative fountainhead, the result is pollute at “ forever - clear - the endless loop that pollutes ” again.
Right unqualified, correct the action only, and did not correct measure, know to eliminate unqualified phenomenon itself only, and cause unqualified prime cause without restrospect to and try to eliminate.
Reason of phenomenon of undesirable to bringing about quality, either get to the bottom of sth traces to the source, taste shallow always to stop to have a headache with mere “ however ” of foot of painful medical service of cure head, base, float is in the surface, seek a few apparently accounts.
To involving the undesirable quality appearance that cannot control objective element, all reasons are gone to cannot accuse push on objective element, and the subjective element that does not search oneself to be able to accuse.
To undesirable quality phenomenon processing is like pair of crop to weed, if be merely,cut off the grass that grows to go up in upper range, is not cut the weeds and dig up the roots, grass is “ spring breeze is blown necessarily give birth to ” again. So, to undesirable quality the phenomenon must administer thoroughly.
Error 5: Lack says with data
One-sided support experience and intuition management are a globaller quality management malpractice, typical situation has: To character circumstance, a few onlier the opinion with subjective concept and overall general sex, and say clearly without data of accurate, detailed foundation, say definitely.
Only by subjective experience or sensory act, have qualitative analysis only to quality problem, without quantified quantitative analysis, everything is decision criteria with “ about the same ” . Set quality target has the qualitative demand of general sex only, and not measureable quantify data index. Quality level of management after all how? Quality technology base how? What is the crucial factor that affects product quality? Does the process occur what problem and blemish? Ought to step of what improvement in quality does specific aim ground take? Want to solve these problems, must occupy an analysis through number.
Of the error: Satisfy at the current situation
Be content with the current situation, do not think of improve, think quality level of management achieves certain level to need not worry about character issue.
In passed quality management systematic attestation, after obtaining attestation to register, appeared not to think of improvement appearance, think attestation hind is OK have nothing worry about, systematic file lay aside and neglect, “ arms put in storage, ” of the hill austral Ma Fang, before quality level of management is inferior to attestation instead.
Will not improve a process to fulfil continuously reach the designated position, management evaluates make a gesture to give the impression of doing sth, satisfactory to the client, system moves, monitor and measure of process and product make a form, analysis, unqualified to data control, correct measure and precautionary measures to deal with finish sth.
Quality management system appears great and fluctuant (for example, origanization construction weighs major key whole, business is major change) , and administrative system file (for example, program, system) still unaltered, did not make any editing for a long time update.
Do not think of innovation, do not encourage innovation, without innovation mechanism, hit innovation even.
Backward be about to be washed out, improve ability to catch up with continuously only development, this is lasting and unchangeable law and rule.
Of the error: Did not establish with the sense that offers square collaboration win-win
In square to offerring quality management, did not establish with the sense that offers square collaboration win-win, the wrong thinking that “ sheet wins ” , “ unilateral ” is to damage the main reason that offers square quality.
To offerring a management, “ governs on somebody's behalf with the bag ” or “ govern on somebody's behalf with card ” , mistake wraps ” for “ or “ card ” is management.
Did not realise an organization oneself and offerring is relation of ” of “ collaboration win-win between Fang Zhi, will do it even for just regarding inferior, subordinate as, stand high above the masses, cheek gas is incited.
Emphasize organizing oneself gain only, and negligence offers square reasonable benefit; Emphasize offerring only just improve quality, and just did not provide reasonable, necessary assistance and support to offer, improve quality in order to help its.
“ sheet wins ” , “ unilateral ” offer square management, bring about necessarily mix for square uncooperative, resentment inimical, harm its quality naturally, harm the quality that organizes oneself namely.
Error 8: Fixed position of character department role is wrong
The marrow that contemporary character manages and core are precaution. Regard quality branch as rush to deal with an emergency of “ firemen ” , “ member ” , become real character to examine branch, and abandon preventing “ internal heat daily ” and eliminate hidden danger, the character that abandons other key runs systematic course, it is to have those who violate precautionary principle apparently. Aux would rather for affection of danger of ” of “ fire alarm, “ ” pays high price, and do not be willing to prevent “ internal heat daily ” is mixed eliminate hidden danger relative to less resource, do not accord with economic benefits principle apparently, it is to take the branch for the root with unwise practice. What Kelaoshibi says correct viewpoint no less than, the action of character system is precaution, is not to examine.
Error 9: Highest controller vacancy
Character manages the circumstance of highest controller vacancy to basically have: Make without what share quality guiding principle, goal, evaluate and edit. Did not maintain for quality management system move normally provide necessary resource, ignore the need that quality management system moves normally for a long time, or inspect its dispensable. Manage evaluation without normative organization, administrative evaluation does form, make a gesture to give the impression of doing sth, do not share administrative evaluation even.
Make without what share quality guiding principle, goal, evaluate and edit.
Did not maintain for quality management system move normally provide necessary resource, ignore the need that quality management system moves normally for a long time, or inspect its dispensable.
Manage evaluation without normative organization, administrative evaluation does form, make a gesture to give the impression of doing sth, do not share administrative evaluation even.
Manage measure shirk responsibility to should decision-making great quality, hand in by helpless to decision-making effect or the quality that cannot assume responsibility or other branch for you decision-making.
Manage systematic duty and attributive to in-house department and post quality, allocate not clear, or what award duty Yuan Chao to cross an accredit to be restricted, award only even duty and not accredit.
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Ignore pair of quality management for a long time, do not tell science, by issue confused orders of enthusiasm of have one's bosom filled with, “ good intention does evildoing ” , or hypocrisy support.
Highest controller manages the vacancy in the job in quality, bring about quality management system and the authority that its run, earnest sex to be damaged necessarily, make quality management system cannot be maintained normal move, nature cannot obtain result.