Compress air conduit to with what material should pledge? Compress air canal to should be used have the outward appearance, pliability, fight oxidation, fight ageing, fight excitant better chemical product. For example:

1, use stainless steel, very good, but the price is very expensive.

2, be in charge of with galvanization, the meeting is rusty, low-cost.

3, with PPR, low-cost, but time grew to be defeated, insecure.

4, conduit of new-style aluminium alloy, not rusty, anti-corrosive, the price is a bit expensive, quick installation.

Compress a canal commonly used reach pneumatic at compressing air, steam to match a shop (baric) tool, reach water and blame caustic liquid is carried, apply extensively at the domain such as industry, bldg. , agriculture.

Among them soft wall air compresses a canal to have the outward appearance, pliability, stretch and similar balata, fight oxidation, fight ageing, summer is not sent soft, do not send in the winter hard, not the characteristic of craze.


QiAir Compressor

Patulous data:

The design that compresses air canal wants a place:

1, in actual project, compress air conduit to should use three-dimensional software to design, more logical design way is to use three-dimensional software to build a model directly, although early days need does a large number of works.

But after three-dimensional model has built pipeline, can generate ichnography, axis to measure list of graph, equipment, data table to wait directly, later period gives a graph to be able to save much work, improve efficiency, also made sure conduit gives the accuracy of the graph at the same time, won't produce collision.


QiAir Compressor

2, plant area compresses air conduit to be in charge of a net to pursue, start is exit of machine of plant area pneumatics or contact of plant area obligate commonly, terminus is each user dots. Each user dot has indoor with the cent outdoor, below the condition that allows in the condition, whole plant area is indoor pursue in face of same Zhang Ping as far as possible with dot of the user outdoor or the axis measures chart to show, state with a piece of blueprint all users select whole plant area namely, so convenient go out to pursue and be read.


QiAir Compressor

3, compress air conduit to provide way commonly lesser, plant area compresses air conduit to be in charge of a net to decorate, should building of make the most of, open corridor and big pipeline, will compress air conduit bracket to solder above, reduce amount of bracket of independent be born as far as possible.

4, compress air conduit to should use natural compensation as far as possible, do not set compensator.

5, compress air conduit bracket to suffer force to should use corresponding software to calculate, in suffer force to allow a condition to fall, bracket form uses spacing support as far as possible, allow conduit to have axial displacement. Be in charge of paragraph of not chief condition to fall continuously so, can not set fixed bracket and compensator, simplify conduit form, reduce pipeline cost, also be helpful for spot construction.

2023-01-10T00:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |