The article summed up screw pneumatics machine common breakdown and processing technique consult with offerring.

1, start / jump machine kind common breakdown and processing

2, add / uninstall kind of common breakdown and processing

3, exceed electric current / overload is common breakdown and processing

4, tall, low alewife is common breakdown and processing

5, oscillatory / abnormal knocking kind common breakdown and processing

6, common breakdown reachs processing related oily, water

7, exhaust pressure kind common breakdown and processing

8, sealed / divulge common breakdown and processing

9, into gas a powerful person common breakdown reachs processing

10, relief valve kind common breakdown and processing

1, start / jump machine kind common breakdown and processing

Does the account that cannot ◆ start reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Indicator light of travel of the pneumatics machine fortune that start is not bright and advocate electric machinery was not started.

Case study:

1) fuse burn down;

2) protects relay movement;

3) starts relay breakdown;

Contact of 4) starting pushbutton is undesirable;

5) voltage is too low;

6) electromotor breakdown;

7) airframe breakdown;

8) owes photograph protection relay movement;

After breakdown of weight of 9) pneumatics machine calls the police, not restoration.

Processing technique:

1) changes new fuse

2) examination proofreads relay;

3) checks repair of the inspection after power supply is normal to start pushbutton;

4) checks reply power source;

5) is overhauled and remove electric machinery trouble;

6) examines airframe breakdown reason and eliminate

7) checks power source and order of electric machinery photograph;

8) restoration alarm signal.

Does ◆ tripping operation stop the reason of machine and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: After stage or the tripping operation of one machine of much stage pneumatics in moving normally stop machine or pneumatics machine to start inside short time tripping operation stops machine.

Case study:

1) electromotor voltage and power source voltage are unusual;

Pressure of 2) aircrew exhaust exceeds rated pressure, electric machinery overload causes electric machinery to heat up protective act;

3) lube norms is incorrect, lubricant effect is poor, electric machinery overload causes electric machinery to heat up protective act.

4) oily fractionize leaves group jam (lube pressure tall) , cause oily fine segregator to press difference to protect a movement greatly, or electric machinery overload causes electric machinery to heat up protective act;

Breakdown of 5) compressor noumenon, if rotor accumulates carbon, attrition, enter an eyewinker to wait;

6) circuitry is undesirable, wiring becomes loose, contactor breakdown;

7) discharges air temperature to spend tall breakdown;

8) breaks breakdown of oily electromagnetism a powerful person;

Setting of 9) examination pressure is reasonable.

Processing technique:

1) checks electromotor power source and voltage;

2) checks pressure watch, if exceed set pressure, adjust pressure switch;

3) examines oily number, more oil change is tasted;

4) changes oily fine segregator;

5) hand dish rotational, if the overhaul cannot undertake to lead plane when roll, in the processing of manufacturer of contact of lead plane breakdown of installation expiration period;

6) is overhauled or change;

7) examination cooling water, clear condenser;

8) is cleaned or change oily electromagnetism a powerful person;

Whether does setting of upper limit of switch of 9) examination pressure pass low, or setting of pressure switch upper limit accuses what ark installs to stop machine pressure under pneumatics machine couplet.

Is ◆ long does empty wagons move but the reason of ceaseless machine and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Empty wagons of pneumatics pilot time, but electric machinery keeps carrying.

Case study:

The most possible reason is time relay breakdown, the electric machinery after empty wagons of general set 15~20min stops screw type compressor carry, if all the time empty wagons condition but electric machinery keeps carrying, answer to be checked above all.

Processing technique:

The examination controls relay of loop, settling time.

2, add / uninstall kind of common breakdown and processing

Cannot ◆ carry the account that run and processing completely?

Breakdown phenomenon: Pneumatics machine starts servo of junior gas a powerful person implement cylinder cannot a standard-sized sheet.

Case study:

Breakdown of 1) pressure switch;

2) 3 to breakdown of electromagnetism a powerful person;

3) takes action of gas a powerful person undesirable;

Breakdown of a powerful person of 4) release electromagnetism;

5) pressure keeps movement of a powerful person undesirable;

6) controls pipeline leak

Processing technique:

1) examination changes pressure switch;

2) examination changes 3 to electromagnetism a powerful person;

The check after 3) disassembles investigates manage;

4) examination, change release electromagnetism a powerful person

Valve base of the examination after 5) disassembles and check valve piece whether to wear away;

6) checks leak position aftertreatment.

Does ◆ move in cannot the reason of to load and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Into gas butterfly a powerful person cannot be opened, servo implement air cylinder adjustment not movement

Case study:

1) takes trouble of orgnaization of gas butterfly a powerful person, if connecting rod bolt becomes loose;

Diaphragm of 2) servo cylinder wears away leak;

A powerful person of electromagnetism of 3) to load damages;

Invalidation of a powerful person of 4) release electromagnetism makes control enrages release;

Cup of 5) filter water or control gas pipeline have leak;

6) capacity control valve jams or breakdown;

Set of 7) pressure switch incorrect or set hind occurrence drift.

Processing technique:

1) eliminates orgnaization of butterfly a powerful person breakdown or change butterfly a powerful person;

2) changes servo diaphragm;

3) eliminates a powerful person of to load electromagnetism breakdown or change a powerful person of to load electromagnetism;

4) eliminates release electromagnetism a powerful person breakdown or change release electromagnetism a powerful person;

5) changes filter water cup or eliminate divulge;

6) changes or clear capacity control valve

7) changes or reset pressure switch.

Does ◆ move in the reason that cannot uninstall and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: The forehead exceeds to spend actuating pressure to still continue to move in moving, or continue to rise to relief valve movement.

Case study:

1) pressure switch is installed undeserved or drift appears after set;

2) takes action of gas a powerful person undesirable;

Invalidation of release electromagnetism a powerful person is like when 3) system stops to use gas, criterion pressure will be slow rise; 4) controls loop breakdown.

Processing technique:

1) overhauls pressure switch, change when necessary;

After 2) disassembles, add note lube fat;

3) overhaul, change release electromagnetism a powerful person;

4) rehabilitate or change.

Is ◆ added often / uninstalled reason and processing?

Case study:

1) uses tracheal road or equipment existence leak;

Poor setting of voltage limiting of fluctuation of 2) pressure switch is too small;

3) air wastage is not stable;

4) pressure maintains core of a powerful person of a powerful person sealed and lax, bedspring exhaustion;

Setting of upper limit of pressure of 5) pneumatics machine is inferior.

Processing technique:

1) checks leak position position and eliminate;

2) reset (general fluctuation voltage limiting differs 0.1MPa above) ;

3) increases the size of gas tank;

4) is overhauled or change core of a powerful person, change bedspring;

Switch of 5) reset pressure.

3, exceed electric current / overload is common breakdown and processing

Does electric current of travel of ◆ pneumatics accident reach processing under normal reason?

Case study:

1) air wastage is too big, pneumatics aircraft moves in low-pressure limits;

2) inhaler jams;

3) takes action of gas a powerful person undesirable;

A powerful person of 4) look attune is adjusted undeserved.

Processing technique:

1) checks wastage, increase compressor when necessary;

2) is checked or change;

3) disassembles clean and add note lube fat

Reset adjusts 4) .

The 3 electric machinery that cause to breakdown of electromagnetism a powerful person exceed ◆ electric current

Case study:

3 to electromagnetism a powerful person be 2 3 close electromagnetism valve normally, normal is shut, report opens.

When needing loaded vehicle, this a powerful person gets report to open, make the pressure inside the system can be defeated to enrage earthen pipe road to servo of a powerful person that take energy of life, open the valve that take energy of life thereby, implementation loaded vehicle runs. When needing empty wagons, this a powerful person cuts off the power shut, cut off the pressure of pipeline of air cylinder of servo of a powerful person that take energy of life to supply, close the valve that take energy of life, realize empty wagons (right now) of release of release electromagnetism a powerful person.

If 3 to breakdown of electromagnetism a powerful person, when if card of core of a powerful person is acerbity,should needing empty wagons, this a powerful person cuts off the power cannot shut, cannot close the valve that take energy of life. Pneumatics machine can continue to add carry to exceed nominal working pressure all right, and cause electric machinery to exceed electric current;

The electric machinery below some circumstances is hot occasionally not movement, reach action of the exit when pressure of set of pneumatics machine exit

The electric machinery that breakdown of ◆ pressure switch causes exceeds electric current

Case study:

Pressure switch breakdown or value of pressure switch set produce drift or card is acerbity, make pneumatics machine cannot be in achieve set pressure to go up to be uninstalled in time in a limited time, can make pneumatics machine exceeds nominal working pressure to continue to add carry to go, and cause electric machinery to exceed electric current.

◆ oil fine segregator jams the electric machinery that cause exceeds electric current

Case study:

Fall when pressure of core of oily fine detached filter exceed 0.08MPa(the difference that two pressure express indication value: The pressure before filter core, exhaust pressure) when should stop machine change core of filter of oil gas depart. Because the machine is uninstalled,this is be with the pressure after depart (discharge baric force) for the standard, if of the machine uninstall pressure set to be rated pressure, the real load of electric machinery is rated pressure add 0.08MPa press difference, electric machinery overload moves and cause electric machinery to exceed electric current.

The judgement method that oily fine segregator jams:

(1) oil fine segregator if attaint or burst, cent of oiliness of the place in discharging clean to enrage increases, fill cheer cycle to shorten, serious when all lube can be compressed air is taken away.

(Bear of the electric machinery when oily fine segregator jams increases 2) , electric current increases, oil pressure heighten, serious when electromotor hot relay protects a movement.

(3) oil fine segregator presses poor switch to press difference to exceed set to be worth (poor switch action is pressed when 0.1MPa) , or in-house and time time is zero hour, control Panel shows oily fine segregator jams, state oily fine segregator has jam phenomenon, answer to arrange time to change instantly.

(Phenomenon of the above when 4) oil fine segregator jams does not appear entirely certainly, when once have random,a phenomenon appears, should safeguard daily according to screw pneumatics machine with the overhaul the record undertakes analytic judging, lest judge the oily fine segregator that changed to did not jam by accident, cause pecuniary loss.

Does ◆ pneumatics machine come loose the reason of overload of sirocco fan electric machinery and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Medicinal powder sirocco fan tripping operation stops machine

Case study:

Breakdown of 1) fan electric machinery;

2) fan electric machinery heats up relay breakdown (ageing) ;

3) wiring becomes loose;

4) condenser jams, the resistance that discharge wind is great.

Processing technique:

1) checks fan electric machinery;

2) changes fan electric machinery heats up relay;

3) checks wiring;

4) is used compress air or water to clear condenser.

4, tall, low alewife is common breakdown and processing

◆ high temperature calls the police or stop the reason of machine and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon:

Aircrew moves in, exhaust temperature is high more than 100 ℃ cause protective act.

Case study:

Norms of inadequacy of 1) lube quantity, lube is incorrect;

2) cooling water measures Wen Gao of insufficient, cooling water

3) breaks oily electromagnetism a powerful person to did not get burst of report or coil attaint, diaphragm or ageing;

4) environment temperature exceeds the range of a regulation;

5) oily condenser jams;

6) controls pipeline of wind of attaint of breakdown of electric machinery of plane existence cooling fan, cooling fan to wind cold air not expedite or the obstruction that discharge wind (back pressure) wait for a reason greatly;

7) heat controls breakdown of a powerful person;

8) air filter jams;

9) oil filters jam, lube leaves for oily control valve degree small, oily flow is too little;

10) temperature switch shows trouble.

Processing technique:

1) examination fat face if under “L” when, jockey please cheer “H” , check oily name oil change to taste;

2) checks difference in temperature of conduit of imports and exports, the examination takes water temperature;

3) overhaul changes;

4) increases a wind, drop room temperature;

5) checks difference in temperature of conduit of imports and exports, normal difference is 5~8 ℃ about, if be more than 9 ℃ , pipeline of may oily condenser has jam, be like under 5 ℃ , the likelihood is scale of oily condenser tube wall, tear open next using drug or wool are brushed clean;

6) maintenance changes cooling fan, the conduit that discharge wind not expedite or the obstruction that discharge wind with high-pressured air cleanness;

7) checks oil to whether pass oily condenser refrigeration, if not have,change hot control a powerful person;

8) uses filter of air of low-pressure air cleanness;

9) changes oily filter, move lard discharge control valve;

10) overhaul changes temperature switch.

Does ◆ exhaust temperature reach processing under the reason of normal value?

Breakdown phenomenon:

Aircrew moves in, exhaust temperature under 75 ℃ , go against aircrew safety to move.

Case study:

1) cooling water amount is too large;

2) environment temperature is low;

3) exhaust temperature is incorrect;

4) heat dominates a powerful person or family (lukewarm charge a powerful person) breakdown;

5) oily flow is too large.

Processing technique:

1) adjusts cooling water amount;

2) adjusts cooling water lukewarm;

3) changes exhaust temperature sensor;

4) changes / clear hot control a powerful person (lukewarm charge a powerful person) ;

5) moves control valve of little oily flow.

Does ◆ break malfunction of oily electromagnetism a powerful person to cause the reason with exhaust high temperature and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon:

Aircrew moves in, exhaust temperature is high more than 100 ℃ cause protective act.

Case study:

Norms of lube quantity inadequacy, lube is incorrect;

Processing technique:

1) examination fat face if under “L” when, jockey please cheer “H” , check oily name oil change to taste;

2) checks difference in temperature of conduit of imports and exports, the examination takes water temperature;

Does ◆ heat up malfunction charging a powerful person to cause the reason with exhaust high temperature and processing?

Case study:

Oily condenser front has one heat to dominate a powerful person or family (lukewarm charge a powerful person) , the temperature rise that be like oil arrives high open temperature, heat controls general of a powerful person gradually open till a standard-sized sheet, inside airframe of the reentrance after right now lube cools through oily condenser.

After it is out of order lube won't pass oily condenser, so temperature can lift slowly and stop machine.

Heating up the breakdown account that controls a powerful person to see in moving middling is because of accumulating carbon card acerbity.

Processing technique:

Clear or change. Can control heat core of a powerful person of a powerful person to tear open commonly below, use lotion of the Qing Dynasty that accumulate carbon to clear after accumulating carbon can. In trying proved recipe law to be able to put core of a powerful person hot water, check whether the motion is normal.

5, oscillatory / abnormal knocking kind common breakdown and processing

Does the reason of abnormal knocking of ◆ pneumatics machine reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Vibration of pneumatics aircraft main engine, noise is big, cry of howl of metallic clash, even knock sound, attrition can be given out to wait sometimes in moving.

Case study:

1) leather belt is too loose, advocate, chamfer of passive leather belt not agree with cause skid generation howl cries;

After accident goes, 2) pneumatics did not offer oil instantly, the metal does attrition to produce howl to cry;

3) lower margin or entrance mesh secure bolt to become loose;

4) tightens solid gear nut to become loose, create a tooth-like part of anything sound of knock of unoccupied place too large generation;

5) inlet valve shuts lax and flat quantity big, stop into circulation of vital energy in the wrong direction door happening is oscillatory.

Processing technique:

1) changes leather belt;

2) checks oil level, change oily filter;

Bolt of 3) examination, close solid, pneumatics machine searchs afresh;

4) detects oscillatory circumstance, affirm nut of close solid gear becomes loose have repair;

5) adjusts inlet valve position.

Does the reason of vibration of ◆ pneumatics machine reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon:

The vibration that produces in travel of screw pneumatics accident usually is very little, but the phenomenon that fall in a few special situations or can produce vibration to increase or exceeds bid.

Case study:

1) lubricates to be not worth for oil;

2) bearing wears away;

3) is opposite round of center error is big;

4) rotor clearance is unqualified;

5) oily filter jams;

Foundation bolt shakes 6) .

Processing technique:

1) adjusts for oil a whether all open, the examination stops oily electromagnetism a powerful person whether breakdown

2) is checked or change bearing;

3) readjust;

Whether does 4) examination rotor have be out of shape;

5) examination oil pressure is normal;

6) adjusts the foundation bolt that tighten solid.

6, common breakdown reachs processing related oily, water

Does the reason with big bad news of ◆ pneumatics engine oil reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Lube adds cycle weak point or oiliness of aircrew eduction air is divided big.

Produce an account:

1) lube quantity is too much, proper place should observe when aircrew to load, right now oil level should not the half of lens of prep above oil level;

2) answers vitta to jam;

3) answers the distance of bottom of the installation of vitta and oily fine segregator not to accord with a requirement;

Pressure of the exhaust when 4) aircrew moves is too low;

Burst of core of filter of depart of 5) oil gas;

Clapboard of interior of 6) cylinder system damages.

7) oily system or lead plane axis seal phenomenon of oil having leakage;

8) lube deteriorates or exceed period use.

Processing technique:

1) examines oily aspect and discharge appropriately;

2) disassembles cleanness answers vitta to be restricted oily aperture;

3) adjusts the length that answers vitta to insert;

4) increases exhaust pressure;

5) examination changes oily fine segregator;

Clapboard of attaint of rehabilitate of bucket of oil gas of 6) check ;

7) eliminates leakage oily appearance;

8) changes lube.

Does ◆ lead plane have the reason that lube spills over and processing?

Produce an account:

1) oil seal falls off or oil seal blemish leaks oily;

2) main shaft secures bearing to have wear away bring about oil of oil seal leakage;

3) combines face leakage;

4) is entered, the pipe fittings that answer oil becomes loose;

5) is cast or machine blemish;

Close power of installation of 6) drive leather belt is too great, make clearance of oil seal a side increases.

Processing technique:

Place of 1) oil seal.

Examination oil seal, axle sleeve, casing coordinates measure, do not accord with a standard give change;

Move drive shaft to check bottom clearance to whether pass forcibly big, clearance should change at the same time greatly too axle sleeve and oil seal;

Whether do examination oil seal and scale of axle sleeve union have cut and drawback, of existence cut and blemish should grant to change.

Whether does 2) examination oil seal have chap, inside labial mouth has without craze or flange. Have one of afore-mentioned cases should change oil seal is hand-in-hand bearing of main shaft of one pace examination;

3) examination combines place gaskets each sealed circumstance, repair or change gaskets;

4) examination is entered, bolt of the connect that answer oil and casing whorl screw;

The blemish that 5) checks casing to cast or treatment exists (if casing oil seal installs place spill port whether expedite) , repair or change blemish.

6) is checked and degree of degree of tightness of readjust leather belt, it is advisable that big toe presses 10mm.

Does ◆ pneumatics machine stay the lube when machine to spill over from a powerful person that take energy of life (is vomit oily) reason and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Pneumatics machine stays machine / the lube when uninstalling spills over from place of a powerful person that take energy of life (common calls vomit oil) .

Produce an account:

Because into gas a powerful person board of a powerful person shuts what cause not in time,1) is below the circumstance normally;

Valve of the least pressure gets stuck 2) sluggish, stop machine / air current of the high pressure when uninstalling is returned stream, cause lube to swarm into leader head in great quantities;

3) lube is overmuch, air cylinder of servo of a powerful person that take energy of life blocks the problem such as sluggish to also may cause this kind of trouble.

Processing technique:

1) examination, clean or change group of a powerful person that take energy of life.

2) examination, clean or change valve of the least pressure;

3) examination, clear air cylinder of a powerful person of electromagnetism of a powerful person that take energy of life, servo and tracheal smooth, the motion is normal, need to change otherwise.

Does the reason of oil of leakage of pipeline of ◆ pneumatics engine oil reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Vitta road or flange leakage are oily

Case study:

1) asbestine mat is not complete;

2) gaskets material is unqualified;

Close solid of 3) flange bolt is inhomogenous;

4) expansion joint leakage is oily.

Processing technique:

1) makes asbestine spacer afresh;

Asbestine board makes the oil resistant that 2) uses appropriate ply;

3) tightens solid flange afresh;

4) changes expansion joint.

Does the moisture in ◆ lube contain generous reason and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Give off continuously when lube emulsification or blowdown relatively washiness.

Case study:

1) lube condenser produces leak, cooling water enters lube in;

Humidity of 2) job ambient air is big.

Processing technique:

1) checks oily condenser and eliminate leak;

2) strengthens working environment ventilated, reduce yard place moist air or moisture to discharge.

Does the reason with the big water content in ◆ air system reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Reduce air system water content big, blowdown a powerful person gives off a large number of moisture ceaselessly.

Case study:

1) radiator leak;

Machine of 2) Leng Gan or desiccator job are abnormal;

3) gas tank is done not have fixed and waterproof.

Processing technique:

The disappear after 1) leak hunting leaks or change condenser;

2) removes cold dry machine or the trouble that drier exists;

Gas tank of 3) pneumatics machine turns on the water regularly.

7, exhaust pressure kind common breakdown and processing

Does the reason with ◆ exhaust exorbitant pressure reach processing?

Case study:

1) gets stuck into gas a powerful person acerbity cannot shut;

2) decreases suddenly with tolerance;

Breakdown of a powerful person of 3) laden electromagnetism;

4) pressure setting is too tall;

Breakdown of 5) pressure sensor;

Processing technique:

1) eliminates to take trouble of gas a powerful person;

2) examination changes with smell situation;

3) is checked and a powerful person of repair load electromagnetism;

4) adjusts pressure switch setting;

5) rehabilitate or exchange pressure sensor.

Does ◆ exhaust pressure pass low or capacity reductive reason and processing?

Case study:

1) inhaler jams;

2) takes action of gas a powerful person undesirable;

3) pressure keeps movement of a powerful person undesirable;

4) oil fine segregator jams;

Leak of a powerful person of 5) release electromagnetism;

A powerful person of 6) look attune is adjusted undeserved;

7) user is in charge of a net to have leak;

8) pressure switch is installed too low or pressure switch breakdown;

9) pressure sensor or tube of pressure watch input are flat;

10) is more than aircrew actually to output tolerance with tolerance.

Processing technique:

1) disassembles clean, change;

2) examination takes gas a powerful person whether a standard-sized sheet, remove trouble;

Whether does the examination after 3) disassembles wear away, block exhaustion of acerbity, bedspring to change;

4) readjust look moves a powerful person or family of a powerful person;

5) removes leakage feature;

6) reset

7) changes watch canal;

8) school nucleus uses tolerance.

8, sealed / divulge common breakdown and processing

Is ◆ machinery sealed the common cause that divulge and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon:

1) secures annulus happening roll;

Surface of 2) activity annulus is rough, attrition surface injury or attrition surface are rough;

3) moves annulus to cannot drift along axial;

4) bedspring force insufficient or bedspring force is prejudicial;

5) end panel is anti-corrosive, high temperature resistant undesirable;

Momentum of change of 6) rotor axial is too big, move annulus to have not enough time to compensate displacement;

7) axis vibration is serious;

8) sealed fixed position forbids, attrition deputy did not stick close, circle and move annulus to was not stuck close;

9) end builds deflection of fixed and frame-up, generation.

Handle measure:

1) changes sealing ring secures static link;

2) raises end panel bright and clean degree, improve lubricant condition, change or abrade attrition face;

Force of 3) examination bedspring and stop push annulus to whether get stuck;

4) is adjusted or change bedspring;

5) changes leak of anti-corrosive, high temperature resistant activity annulus intermittence;

6) adjusts axial change momentum;

7) jockeys the overhaul, solve oscillatory problem of the axis;

8) is checked or change sealing surface, adjust fixed position;

9) adjusts end to build close solid bolt and axis perpendicular.

Does ◆ axis seal the reason that divulge and processing?

Produce an account:

1) is assembled undesirable. Install sealing ring correctly, do not turn over outfit or amlposition.

Pressure of 2) lip margin is insufficient (oil seal) . School nucleus is sealed measure is true; Axis coarse or have scar; Reduce axial surface roughness, or choose softer weather strip or other and sealed material.

Craze of 3) sealed lip. Because axial surface is rough,the likelihood is, use sealed data incorrect or temperature is too advanced the reason is caused.

4) sealing ring damages or grind bad. Change sealing ring.

5) axis is coarse. Examine exterior surface roughness and requirement of technology pouring wine cup.

6) sealed type or material choose a mistake. What deserve to suit more with type according to working requirement is sealed.

7) pressure is exorbitant. The department after pneumatics machine halts use unites straight existence pressure, cause an axis to seal divulge, should check relief valve, exit to go against right now stop it is normal whether a powerful person of a powerful person, pneumatics machine shuttle works, stop pressure of the system after machine in order to eliminate. Outfit check valve can be added in systematic pipeline, the system after ensuring aircrew halts use does not have pressure.

8) temperature is exorbitant. What deserve to suit more with type according to working requirement is sealed.

9, into gas a powerful person common breakdown reachs processing

◆ the 3 causes that cause air cylinder of servo of a powerful person that take energy of life to cannot be opened to breakdown of electromagnetism a powerful person?

Case study:

After pneumatics machine is started or in moving, when be worth under next demarcate of pressure switch movement like systematic pressure, pressure switch issues to load statement, namely to 3 append report to electromagnetism a powerful person, 3 after appending report to electromagnetism a powerful person, open with making to air feed of cylinder of inlet valve servo inlet valve is opened, when 3 get stuck to electromagnetism a powerful person acerbity or when core of a powerful person drops, cannot open, make thereby pneumatics machine cannot to load.

3 can make to breakdown of electromagnetism a powerful person and pressure switch breakdown pipeline of servo cylinder air feed does not have pressure air likewise, of these two breakdown eliminating a method is a preexistence system pressure whether does the examination of air inlet duct that cylinder of next inlet valve servo tear open when be worth under next demarcate of pressure switch movement have atmospheric pressure, if do not have baric existence to explain 3 did not open to electromagnetism a powerful person, eliminating again next is pressure switch breakdown or 3 to breakdown of electromagnetism a powerful person can.

Does breakdown of ◆ pressure relief valve cause the account that cannot air cylinder of servo of a powerful person that take energy of life open?

Case study:

The pressure release pipeline of the cylinder of inlet valve servo of partial pneumatics machine and photograph of pressure release Wen join, after pneumatics machine sky carries signal to give out, pressure relief valve is opened, at the same time discharge drops the job of servo cylinder to enrage source beyond to press.

If because pressure relief valve gets stuck acerbity cannot switch reachs the designated position, discharge drops relief valve of the pressure when pneumatics machine needs to load the pressure of source of working energy of life of servo cylinder, make cylinder of inlet valve servo cannot be opened thereby.

Want to judge phenomenon of this one breakdown, need to pull down only the air feed pipeline of servo cylinder, if gas source pressure is normal, may be pressure relief valve the pressure of source of working energy of life that discharge drops servo cylinder, right now, tear open cylinder of next inlet valve servo and pressure relief valve pipeline of photograph connective pressure release, stem with the hand can discover, motion of servo air cylinder is normal.

Is diaphragm of ◆ servo air cylinder flat the cause that causes air cylinder of servo of a powerful person that take energy of life to cannot be opened and processing?

Case study:

Why to take cylinder when diaphragm is flat, the pressure of leak of source of working energy of life that creates servo cylinder is reduced. Be like the bedspring tension under servo cylinder, servo cylinder cannot be opened, if serious observation can discover lever of servo cylinder a powerful person,handle available gas right now successive or discontinuous appear, change servo cylinder diaphragm can remove trouble.

Want to prolong the service life of servo cylinder diaphragm, what should prevent pneumatics engine is frequent open stop to be uninstalled with the frequent to load of pneumatics machine adjust.

10, relief valve kind common breakdown and processing

Does ◆ relief valve provide pressure not the reason of open and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Relief valve is out of order cannot automatic open.

Case study:

The bedspring of 1) spring relief valve adjusts pressure too big, should readjust;

Because medium is polluted or crystallization produces adhesion or 2) sealing surface rusts;

The space of lever of 3) a powerful person and lining is too little;

4) bedspring generation is permanent be out of shape.

Processing technique:

1) undertakes adjustment to relief valve afresh;

2) undertakes blowing washing to sealing surface or abrade, can do a hand to move exhaust experiment to eliminate;

3) increases the space of lever of a powerful person and lining appropriately;

4) changes bedspring.

Does the reason with frequent movement of ◆ relief valve reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Relief valve takes off often.

Case study:

Of 1) relief valve discharge ability too big not as corresponding as container equipment;

2) discharges a canal section and its radius of bend are too small, generation obstruction;

The position that 3) adjusting ring adjusts is not corresponding.

Processing technique:

1) undertakes type selecting afresh to relief valve;

2) changes or adjust relief valve to import pipeline;

3) readjust adjusting ring and clearance of valve of a powerful person.

Does the reason of open of the relief valve in travel of ◆ pneumatics accident reach processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: Open of the relief valve when pneumatics accident goes.

Case study:

1) system pressure is too high, exceed pressure of relief valve movement;

2) relief valve decides a value to forbid;

3) pneumatics machine exports the door to was not opened;

The bedspring of 4) spring relief valve adjusts pressure invalidation of insufficient, bedspring or bounce are insufficient;

Processing technique:

If 1) is belonged to normal, the nature after pressure is reduced restores;

2) is rectified afresh calm;

3) checks open to export the door;

4) is overhauled or change relief valve again.

Do not answer after movement of ◆ relief valve reason and processing?

Breakdown phenomenon: The leak after relief valve movement.

Case study:

Core of 1) a powerful person and valve base interface are not close;

Core of 2) a powerful person and valve base interface have dirty thing, oxidation skin, furring, sundry etc fall on sealing surface;

Lever of 3) a powerful person is deflective, lever of a powerful person bends be out of shape or core of a powerful person and face of valve base bearing are deflective;

Damage of 4) sealing surface or corrode;

5) bedspring has carried because of sufferring big and because invalidation or bedspring corrode bounce to reduce.

Processing technique:

1) adjusts the interface of valve base and core of a powerful person;

2) moves exhaust with the hand (steam) blow sweep or ravel clear;

3) is assembled afresh or change lever of a powerful person;

4) undertakes to sealing surface abrade or turning;

5) changes bedspring.

2023-01-18T12:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |