
21 01, 2023

The lubricant system detailed of centrifugal compressor is solved

2023-01-21T12:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

Of centrifugal compressor good and lubricant the safety of the machine, reliable to safeguard use reach long cycle to move, have very important sense. Affect centrifugal compressor the character of the structure that the main factor of lubricant effect has lubricant system, fuel delivery, lubricant means and lube. The main effect   with 01 centrifugal lubricant compressor 1) the lube film that forms stability between the attrition surface of opposite motion, in order to keep apart the direct contact of attrition surface, decrease thereby wear away, reduce attrition

21 01, 2023

Does what make empty component? Empty subsystem and compressor relation uncover secret greatly!

2023-01-21T00:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

Authority is not new to of all kinds compressor, turbine, but their action in empty cent link, whether do you understand truly? The sky in the factory divides a workshop, it is what kind of that you know? Empty cent, say simply, each groups of portion gas in using an air namely are detached, manufacturing oxygen, nitrogen and an industry equipment that argon enrages. Still rare gas helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon waits. [Fusion_widgethotrandom_image__

18 01, 2023

The lubricant system detailed of centrifugal compressor is solved, collect please

2023-01-18T00:00:00-08:00January 2023|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|Tags: , , |

Of centrifugal compressor good and lubricant the safety of the machine, reliable to safeguard use reach long cycle to move, have very important sense. Affect centrifugal compressor the character of the structure that the main factor of lubricant effect has lubricant system, fuel delivery, lubricant means and lube. The main effect   with 01 centrifugal lubricant compressor 1) the lube film that forms stability between the attrition surface of opposite motion, in order to keep apart the direct contact of attrition surface, decrease thereby wear away, reduce attrition


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