QiAir Compressor

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So far QiAir Compressor has created 493 blog entries.
11 10, 2022

What is a VSD compressor? What are the benefits of using it?

2022-10-11T10:34:56-07:00October 2022|Categories: Air Compressor Technology|

Variable Speed Driver, commonly referred to as VSD for short, is a symbol in the field of compressed air. The air compressor equipped with VSD can automatically adjust its operating speed to accurately match the needs of compressed air in real time. Considering that the biggest aspect of the total cost of ownership of the compressor is the electricity it consumes, not the purchase price of the air compressor itself, this is particularly important in terms of energy saving!

10 10, 2022

What should we pay attention to when the screw air compressor is hot in summer? What should we do?

2022-10-10T13:52:45-07:00October 2022|Categories: Air Compressor Trends|

With the arrival of summer and the rise of air temperature and humidity, your air pressure system will withstand more water loads in air treatment. The air humidity in summer is greater. Under the maximum operating conditions (50°) of the summer air compressor, the water in the air is 650% higher than the highest temperature (15°) usually seen in winter. When the temperature rises, the working environment of the air compressor is more severe. Improper handling will cause serious high-temperature jumpers and even lubricating oil to coke. Therefore, you must be fully prepared for your air compressor to fight against the most serious challenges all year round!


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