One, pneumatics machine industry is summarized basically
1, classify a circumstance
Air compressor is in charge of piling those who provide flow of optimal pressure & to compress air to report, decide fuel cell system changes efficiency directly, be most the systematic component of core. Fuel cell system basically has centrifugal type, collect Ci type, screw type with pneumatics machine 3 sort (vortex type cost is higher, actual application is less) . Because machine of centrifugal type pneumatics is in efficiency, noise, bulk, wait for a respect without density of oily, power integrated effect is taller, rise along with fuel cell power, centrifugal type already became the market to basically choose.
Machine of pneumatics of cell of domestic commonly used fuel classifies a circumstance
Data sources: Public data is arranged
2, baseThis characteristic
Unlike common pneumatics machine, because of capacity of fuel cell whole finite together with basically applies at fuel cell car, need satisfies the empty press that applies to fuel cell so not to have limits of oily, low noise, high reliability, efficient, miniaturization, work absolutely wide, good trends answers a lot of Yan Ke such as ability, good heat management to ask.
Machine of fuel cell pneumatics asks to have main characteristic
Data sources: Public data is arranged
3, batteries of makings of pneumatics machine Yu RanApplication
Machine of fuel cell pneumatics undertakes pressure boost through piling air to entering, can improve fuel cell system compact sex, pile efficiency of the promotion when reaction in fuel cell report thereby, it is the core structural member of fuel cell, cost is occupied pile whole than be next to report, finish basically already at present homebred change replace.
Fuel cell receives gas job sketch map
Data sources: Public data is arranged
2, analysis of whole of catenary of industry of machine of fuel cell pneumatics
1, industrial catenary whole
With respect to circumstance of whole of catenary of fuel cell industry character, regard hydrogenous the sources of energy as the terminal product of batteries application, whole of catenary of industry of fuel cell automobile is complex, what basically include the property such as upriver water, coal, natural gas and naphtha is hydric, swim to basically wait to store and be carried hydricly in, main product includes system of fuel cell power and basic car composition construction, among them system of fuel cell power divides the caboodle that it is report and systematic fittings, electric caboodle basically includes activator, proton to exchange film and double plate to wait, structural member basically includes pneumatics implement, bottle of humidifier, Chu Qing and hydrogenous loop pump, among them pneumatics implement cell of immediate decision fuel changes efficiency, be most the systematic fittings of core, car of cell of fuel of downstream terminal product.
Diagram of catenary of fuel cell industry
Data sources: Public data is arranged
2, go upYou Duan
Pneumatics plane advanced position basically is comprised by raw material and spare parts, raw material includes rolled steel, nonferrous metal to wait, spare parts includes steely cast, electric machinery and valve to wait. In light of whole, our country belongs to big country of iron and steel industry, iron and steel of upriver raw material and nonferrous metal output are huge, produce can utilization rate is inferior, the price is stable, machine of although technology of whole of machine of fuel cell pneumatics is opposite common pneumatics slightly tall, but change of structure of integral raw material is minor. From sale status of empty press of our country whole character, application of machine of our country pneumatics is wide, rise as the industry whole demand such as downstream electric power, metallurgy, chemical industry, sales revenue of our country empty press grows continuously, already amounted to fifty-eight billion three hundred and thirty-six million yuan 2020, grew 3.1% 2019 compared to the same period, entrance forehead and exit forehead parted to be mixed for 720 million dollar 2020 1.47 billion dollar.
2015-2020 year sales revenue of Chinese empty press and increase rate
Data sources: Public data is arranged
3, belowYou Duan
Machine of fuel cell pneumatics is to point to the special empty press that basically uses at fuel cell, installation amount of integral fuel cell decided pneumatics machine demand basically. According to data, installation amount of system of cell of our country fuel is in 2020 because set an example city group policy from beginning to end not be born influence, the company dare not expand production, together with epidemic situation is affected, partial enterprise is affected by shutdown, industry whole is encountered cold, produce and sale of fuel cell car is measured relatively drop substantially, bring about installation amount of fuel cell system to drop 38.2% , 2021, as demonstrative city be born, technology of component of the part inside catenary of fuel cell industry progresses, homebred change advance continuously (like ten million of metallic double plate piece produce can be born) , industry acknowledge promotes, integral heat promotes, fuel cell installation amount amounts to 210.6MW, grew 165.9% 2020 compared to the same period. Notable is, installation amount of fuel cell system is added fast quantity of outclass car produce and sale is added fast, main reason is existence of installation amount of fuel car bicycle relatively promote substantially.
2016-2021 year installation amount of system of Chinese fuel cell and increase rate
Data sources: Public data is arranged
the cost structure with respect to fuel cell system, the cost that report piles is occupied than highest, amount to 65% . With proton cell of commutative film fuel is exemple, electric caboodle is main by activator + electrode, double plate, diaphragmatic, report piles electrode of equalizer, film gentle style diffusion layer forms framework. Among them, main raw material is activator and electrode the precious metal such as platinum, it is the cost source with fuel the biggest cell, occupy about 23.4% . And pneumatics implement the crucial equipment that regards air as circulatory system, it is to divide the cost is highest fittings beyond electric caboodle, occupied about 2021 12% .
Fittings of Chinese fuel cell took score cloth case 2021
Data sources: Public data is arranged
Relevant report: Academy of China classics industry releases " 2021-2026 year depth of market of Chinese pneumatics machine judges industry of make allowance for to invest foreground to seek advice from a report " ;
3, analysis of current situation of market of machine of fuel cell pneumatics
1, shipment volume
Measure a situation with respect to shipment of machine of fuel cell pneumatics and character, grow as heat of whole of hydrogenous fuel cell, the pneumatics machine shipment that regards fuel cell as crucial structural member measures year after year to grow, show according to data, volume of shipment of machine of pneumatics of cell of our country fuel achieved 4068 2020, grew 7.3% 2019 compared to the same period, main reason is demonstrative city policy tardy not be born brings about partial enterprise to put delay shipment rate, since 2021 as policy progressively be born, industry heat promotes quickly, shipment volume amounted to 3068 first half of the year 2021, predict as Olympic Winter Games of second half of the year demand of demonstrative city and car of hydrogenous the sources of energy promotes, shipment of integral pneumatics machine measures hopeful to break through 6000.
2018-2021 year volume of shipment of machine of pneumatics of cell of H1 China fuel and increase rate
Data sources: GGII, academy of China classics industry is arranged
2, the marketDimensions
With respect to market dimensions character, at present produce and sale of car of downstream fuel cell measures our country terminal finite, was less than 2000 2021, integral pneumatics machine is finite and finite, make the dimensions of pneumatics machine whole that regards fuel cell as raw material lesser, according to data 2020 only 170 million yuan, 2018-2020 year market dimensions CAGR is achieved 38.99% the left and right sides. At present industry heat goes high continuously, hopeful of predicting industry dimensions grows substantially.
2018-2020 year dimensions of market of machine of pneumatics of Chinese fuel cell and increase rate
Data sources: GGII, academy of China classics industry is arranged
3, Market structure
With respect to structure of market of machine of fuel cell pneumatics character, value of machine of collect Ci pneumatics is relative centrifugal is inferior, before 2019, engine of pneumatics of cell of our country fuel is main with Luo Ci type pneumatics machine is given priority to, occupy become than exceeding 5, screw type is occupied than also exceeding 10% , develop as technology of machine of pneumatics of centrifugal 2020 type, upriver cost drops cause integral price close to " cutting sb in two at the waist " , machine of centrifugal type pneumatics held 95% markets share 2020, already made fuel battery main pneumatics machine.
2019-2020 year structure of market of machine of pneumatics of Chinese fuel cell is fluctuant
Data sources: GGII, academy of China classics industry is arranged
4, pattern of competition of engine of fuel cell pneumatics
1, the market is spent centrally
With respect to market of machine of pneumatics of cell of our country fuel concentration spends a circumstance and character, at present the market spends expression to be progressively concentration centrally trend, but turn into stage by stage as pneumatics chance construction centrifugal is market main body, the head shuffles phenomenal frequency is sent. According to data, 2018-2020 year city occupies the market share that leads the first industry to be respectively 39% , 41% with 70% , the head is spent centrally tall and promote continuously; Because fuel cell is at present empty,press machine industry to be in the market again inchoate, head company is fast iteration, 2020 situation add the city that show gain to occupy rate achieve 70% . Pattern of competition of engine of pneumatics of cell of our country fuel is at present fluctuant bigger, core still is in industrialization initial stage at the industry, sequel decides as technical course to the limit of one's capacity of & market demand forms scope effect, together with is current whole grows continuously into bureau enterprise, end to already achieved 20 first half of the year 2021, market competition aggravate, have the enterprise hopeful that sends an advantage first to break through a tight encirclement.
2018-2020 year city of bibcock of machine of pneumatics of Chinese fuel cell is occupied rate
Data sources: Public data is arranged
2018-2021 year amount of manufacturer of aircraft of pneumatics of cell of H1 China fuel is fluctuant
Data sources: Public data is arranged
2, main businessAnalysis
At present whole of industry of cell of our country fuel is in market initial stage, integral player amount is less, the market to new participator admit degree taller, in the current situation that technical course and integral pattern change continuously, good luck of industry whole development is broad, the challenge that encounters at the same time is likewise enormous, who can upland of market of race to control, future breaks through a tight encirclement still is not knowable number 2020 our country fuel
Yield amounts to country of batteries pneumatics machine 90% above, home basically precedes the enterprise includes Jinshidu, situation to add appear China entropy of rich, Dong Deshi course of study and Shanghai to wait.
Company of aircraft of pneumatics of cell of domestic main fuel grows general situation
Data sources: Public data is arranged
5, machine of fuel cell pneumatics develops a tendency
1, machine of centrifugal type pneumatics or will replace Luo Ci form completely
Occupy from the market look than coming, 2018-2020 year machine of centrifugal type pneumatics promotes quickly in share of our country market, achieved 2020 95% , this fastens centrifugal type to have noise on one hand density of small, power is big, quality is light wait for technical advantage; Was 2020 on the other hand cell of our country fuel is extended to serious check, systematic power promotes be caused by (pressure ratio of centrifugal type of only course of & of Luo Ci type is insufficient, demand of centrifugal type market promotes dual class pressure boost) .
2, fuel cell heat picks up
Since 2021, as get warm again after a cold spell of produce and sale of whole of hydrogenous energy industry, market boom spends promotion, acknowledge of integral industry catenary promotes. From upper reaches report piles and the raw material such as pneumatics machine carries terminal of car of downstream fuel cell to apply, integral application index is even more careful, actual maneuverability promotes stage by stage, to industry technology development drives positive effect. At the same time capital spends promotion to attention of whole of fuel cell industry, although be commercialized completely,still longer road wants, but craft and technical whole progress are apparent, predict to rise continuously as industry heat, pneumatics machine serves as hopeful of demand of equipment of fuel cell core to be greeted promote substantially.