Modern workplaces are almost full of noise. Whether you're in a machine shop or a factory office, there's harsh noise everywhere, generated by all kinds of machinery, leaving you with few opportunities to work quietly.
While some noise is inevitable at work, much of it can be avoided by using noise reduction equipment and investing in quieter machinery. It is important to minimize occupational noise as much as possible because prolonged exposure to noise can have a huge impact on the health and safety of your employees.
A good suggestion is to invest in quieter machinery and equipment and to provide employees with noise-reducing equipment. Excessive noise increases the risk of hearing injuries and equipment damage to employees
Why are air compressors so loud?
When it comes to air compressors, powerful machines tend to get louder and louder as time goes on. Thankfully, there are cost-effective air compressor options and solutions that allow you to protect your employees' hearing. Certain options such as acoustic air compressors allow you to use the same powerful machines you have invested in.
The main reason air compressors are so loud is because of their vibration, intake noise and exhaust noise. Since all of these loud noises occur together, they can easily push the decibels of an air compressor into the unsafe range. The main causes of loud air compressor noise include
While the vibration caused by an air compressor does not produce much noise by itself, the location of the air compressor and the equipment that houses it can contribute to potentially dangerous sound levels. The more hollow and shallow parts of the air compressor make the most vibration noise, and when the machine is placed on an uneven surface, the vibration noise is amplified, making the machine vibrate even more. You can counteract the sound of vibration by insulating it.
Air Compressor Placement:
While you may not be able to control the vibration decibels of your air compressor, you can move it to a location where the floor is safer and produces less noise. Placing an air compressor on materials such as concrete and hardwood can amplify the sound of vibrations and create echoes. Solutions such as rubber mats or other soft mats can greatly reduce the sound of an air compressor.
Type and material of air compressor:
Larger Air compressors require more power and are therefore noisier. The larger the size of the air compressor or the thinner the material, the more noise it makes. When buying a large air compressor, it makes sense to invest in the best quality air compressor available. While the use of rubber gaskets can minimize the sound of smaller air compressors, larger compressors are more difficult to silence. Certain companies also manufacture air compressors designed to be silent.
What to do if your air compressor gets loud
When your air compressor gets loud, there are several steps you can take to minimize the decibels in your workplace. If you can't minimize the sound of your air compressor, it's time to consider taking the following steps.
Consider a noise assessment
If you're concerned about noise levels in your workplace, consider a noise assessment. You may be surprised to find out how much excess noise your machine is generating. A noise assessment is your only opportunity to gauge the efficiency of your work environment to determine the need for an upgrade.
Upgrade your equipment
Today, more and more companies are designing innovative air compressor equipment that will make your workplace quieter and protect your hearing. Quiet air compressors do exist, and they may be more cost effective than you previously thought. In the long run, the investment in upgrading your equipment will cost you less money by increasing efficiency and productivity while reducing the noise of your air compressor. No matter how large an air compressor you need, there are solutions available to prevent and eliminate excessive compressor noise.
Better Quiet Air Compressors
QiAir Air Compressors has a wide range of quiet air compressors to help organizations protect their employees and prevent occupational accidents. Quiet air compressors help prevent hazards in the short term and promote the long-term health of your team and organization.