Chinese pneumatics machine (air compressor) current situation of trade supply and demand and prospective foreground forecast report 2024-2030 year
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Industry of compressor of air of the first chapter is summed up
Of industry of compressor of the first air limit
One, air compressor is limitted
(one) the definition of air compressor and main use
(2) the classification of air compressor
2, what belong to national economy classification of occupation and code
Industry of compressor of the 2nd air superintends normative system
One, the industry superintends systematic introduction
2, occupation standard system builds the current situation
(one) occupation standard system builds a case
(2) active standard collect
(2) stress level is unscrambled
Industry of compressor of air of whole world of the 2nd chapter grows trend and foreground to forecast
Industry of compressor of air of the first whole world grows the current situation
One, industry of global air compressor grows course
2, industry of global air compressor grows an environment
(one) economic environment
1, international is macroscopical economic current situation
2, macroscopical economy visits main area situation analysis
3, macroscopical economy forecasts international
(2) policy environment
1, American manufacturing industry is relevant policy analysis
2, Japanese manufacturing industry is relevant policy analysis
3, industry of global air compressor grows the current situation
(one) circumstance of sales volume of global air compressor
(2) global air reduces market opportunity scope
1, dimensions of air compressor market
2, dimensions of market of industrial air compressor
(3) product of global air compressor develops the current situation
4, industry of global air compressor uses development
Pattern of competition of industry of compressor of air of the 2nd whole world
One, annex of business of industry of global air compressor recombines trends
2, pattern of competition of industry of global air compressor
Industry of compressor of air of the 3rd whole world grows trend and market prospect to forecast
One, industry of global air compressor grows a tendency
(one) systematization, essence refines administrative trend
(2) intelligence turns development tide
(3) Electromechanical unifinication develops a tendency
2, foreground of industry of global air compressor is forecasted
Industry of compressor of air of China of the 3rd chapter grows the current situation and analysis of market pain spot
Industry of compressor of air of the first China grows course and market feature
One, industry of Chinese air compressor grows course
2, feature of market of industry of Chinese air compressor
(one) district sex is main feature
(2) periodic feature
(3) seasonal feature
Environment of technology of industry of compressor of air of the 2nd China
, the product is unripe produce make technique
2, patent of industry of Chinese pneumatics machine develops a case
(one) application of patent of industry of Chinese pneumatics machine and accredit amount
(2) technology of industry of Chinese pneumatics machine precedes the enterprise is analysed
(3) popular technology analyses industry of Chinese pneumatics machine
3, trend of innovation of technology of industry of Chinese air compressor
State of supply and demand of trade of compressor of air of the 3rd China
One, analysis of industry supply situation
(one) industry measure
(2) crop circumstance
2, analysis of trade demand situation
(one) analysis of representative business sales volume
(2) battalion receives dimensions analysis
3, trade supply and demand balances an analysis
Imports and exports of the 4th industry is analysed
One, overall situation analyses imports and exports of air compressor industry
2, analysis of structure of product of entrance of air compressor industry
3, analysis of structure of product of exit of air compressor industry
Industry of compressor of air of the 5th China grows pain spot to analyse
Condition of competition of industry of compressor of air of China of the 4th chapter and market structure are analysed
Structure of market of industry of compressor of the first air and concentration spend an analysis
One, analysis of pattern of competition of industry of Chinese air compressor
(one) analysis of competitive echelon formation
(2) competitive pattern analysis
2, market of industry of Chinese air compressor centers a circumstance to analyse
3, competition ability of company of the foreign capital inside industry of Chinese air compressor is comparative
(one) the enterprise manages mode
(2) evaluation of company competition ability
5 force model analyses baud of industry of compressor of the 2nd air
One, the industry has competitor analysis
2, the industry is potential entrant is minatory
3, industry substitute menace is analysed
4, analysis of ability of industry supplier bargain
5, analysis of ability of industry purchaser bargain
6, summary of industry competition circumstance
Industry of compressor of the 3rd air casts financing, annex and heavy constituent analyse
One, the industry sends financing case
2, industry annex recombines a circumstance
3, cast financing trend to forecast
Catenary of industry of industry of compressor of air of the 5th chapter and upriver market are analysed
Catenary of industry of compressor of the first air is combed
One, analysis of catenary of industry of air compressor industry
2, panoramic a collection of illustrative plates analyses catenary of industry of air compressor industry
Structure of cost of compressor of the 2nd air is analysed
Raw material of advanced position of industry of compressor of the 3rd air supplies the market to analyse
One, type of air compressor raw material and general situation
2, rolled steel market
(one) rolled steel crop
(2) consumption of rolled steel apparent
(3) value of rolled steel market goes situation
3, analysis of nonferrous metal market
(one) main product output analyses nonferrous metal
(2) analysis of nonferrous metal imports and exports
(3) price analysis of breed of nonferrous metal heat
4, the influence that air compressor raw material supplies pair of air compressor industries
Spare parts of industry of compressor of the 4th air supplies the market to analyse
One, type of air compressor spare parts and general situation
2, cast market analysis
(one) cast crop analysis
(2) cast consumption analysis
(3) analysis of pattern of cast industry competition
3, motor market analysis
(one) electromotor crop analysis
(2) analysis of circumstance of motor imports and exports
(3) analysis of pattern of competition of motor production industry
4, analysis of market of control a powerful person
(one) analysis of dimensions of industry of control a powerful person
(2) analysis of pattern of competition of industry of control a powerful person
(3) the industry grows trend analysis
(4) industry of control a powerful person uses an analysis downstream
The influence of position of industry of the 5th form a complete set to pneumatics machine industry is summed up
Market of product of fractionize of industry of compressor of air of the 6th chapter is analysed
Market of fractionize of industry of machine of pneumatics of the first China grows general situation
Market of machine of pneumatics of type of the 2nd screw is analysed
One, product characteristic
2, product application circumstance
3, product output analysis
4, product market structure
5, product requirement trend
6, the market grows a tendency
(one) exploration application new technology and new material, develop new product
(2) rise to design and make a standard, improve existing product performance
(3) industry conformity aggravate, concentration is spent rise ceaselessly
Market of machine of pneumatics of the 3rd piston is analysed
One, product characteristic
2, product application circumstance
3, product output analysis
4, product market structure
5, product requirement trend
Market of machine of pneumatics of type of the 4th vortex is analysed
One, product characteristic
2, product application circumstance
3, product output analysis
4, product requirement current situation and trend
Downstream market analyses industry of compressor of air of the 7th chapter
The first industry is downstream demand distributings
Line of business of the 2nd branch is analysed to the demand of pneumatics machine
One, mechanical manufacturing industry is analysed to the demand of pneumatics machine
(one) mechanical manufacturing industry is overall develop a case
(2) the look up before mechanical manufacturing industry develops a tendency
(3) mechanical manufacturing industry is analysed to empty press product requirement
2, petrifaction and chemical industry are analysed to the demand of pneumatics machine
(one) petrifaction and existing state of affairs of chemical industry development
1, petrifaction industry grows the current situation
2, chemical industry grows the current situation
(2) the look up before petrifaction and trend of chemical industry development
(3) petrifaction and analysis of product requirement of chemical trade empty press
3, power industry is analysed to the demand of pneumatics machine
(one) power industry grows the current situation
(2) analysis of power project installed capacity
(3) the look up before power project invests a trend
(4) analysis of product requirement of power industry empty press
4, metallurgy and mining industry are analysed to the demand of pneumatics machine
(one) analysis of development state of affairs
1, metallurgy industry develops a case
2, mining industry develops a case
(2) the look up before metallurgy and trend of mining industry development
1, metallurgy industry grows a tendency
2, mining industry grows a tendency
(3) metallurgy and analysis of product requirement of mining industry empty press
5, light industry is analysed to the demand of pneumatics machine
(one) light industry develops the current situation
(2) the look up before light industry develops a tendency
(3) analysis of product requirement of light industry empty press
6, electronic industry is analysed to the demand of pneumatics machine
(one) electronic industry is overall develop a case
(2) the look up before electronic industry grows a tendency
(3) analysis of product requirement of electronic industry empty press
Fractionize of industry of machine of pneumatics of the 3rd China applies market strategy position to analyse
Catenary of industry of whole world of the 8th chapter and Chinese air compressor is representative company check study
Representative company grows chain of industry of the first whole world and Chinese air compressor layout is comparative
Case of company of compressor of air of the 2nd whole world is analysed
One, Swedish A pulls Si Kepu to stalk or branch especially (Atlas Copco)
(one) the company grows overview
(2) the enterprise manages a circumstance to analyse
(3) the enterprise manages mode to analyse
1, sell pattern
2, purchase mode
(4) business of battalion of proprietor of an enterprise and product
(5) business market area and industry position analysis
(6) the company invests position condition in Chinese market
2, Suo Lan of American flower case (Ingersoll Rand)
(one) the company grows overview
(2) the enterprise manages a circumstance to analyse
(3) product of battalion of proprietor of an enterprise and new product tendercy
(4) business market area and industry position analysis
(5) the company invests position condition in Chinese market
3, Japanese day stands (Hitachi)
(one) the company grows overview
(2) the enterprise manages a circumstance to analyse
(3) condition of position of enterprise compressor product
(4) the enterprise is in China market position
Catenary of industry of compressor of air of the 3rd China is representative company check study
One, Inc. of group of cut into a mountain
(one) business development course and basic message
1, develop course
2, basic message
3, equity structure
(2) the enterprise runs a state
(3) company business framework and sale network
1, business framework
2, sell a network
(4) analysis of circumstance of business research and development
1, business research and development throws a case
2, company patent wins a case
3, business of enterprise air compressor is newest layout is dynamic
(5) the advantage analysis of business of compressor of business development air
2, Inc. of equipment of energy of peaceful wave Bao Si
(one) business development course and basic message
1, develop course
2, basic message
3, equity structure
(2) company operation current situation
(3) company business framework and sale network
1, business framework
2, sell a network
(4) analysis of circumstance of business research and development
(5) the advantage analysis of business of compressor of business development air
3, Inc. of machine of essence of Shanghai Chinese bell
(one) business development course and basic message
1, develop course
2, basic message
3, equity structure
(2) company operation current situation
(3) company product makes a case
(4) the enterprise sells a network
(5) analysis of circumstance of business research and development
1, intelligence capability reachs patent technology related the enterprise
2, business research and development throws a case
(6) the advantage analysis of business of compressor of business development air
4, limited company of compressor of Suo Lan of Shanghai flower case
(one) the business is main information
(2) company operation current situation
(3) company product structure
(4) the enterprise is newest layout
(5) the advantage analysis of business of compressor of business development air
5, Sichuan is big plain compressor is finite liability company
(one) the business is main information
(2) the enterprise manages the current situation to analyse
(3) enterprise sale channel and network
(4) company product structure
1, product structure
2, aptitude and honor
(5) circumstance of research and development
(6) company dominant position and inferior position analysis
6, Shenyang is ambitious compressor limited company
(one) the business is main information
(2) company operation current situation
(3) circumstance of company product research and development
1, already had product current situation
2, achievement of company scientific research
(4) the advantage analysis of business of compressor of business development air
7, Inc. of Xin Lei compressor
(one) the business is main information
1, basic message
2, equity structure
(2) company operation current situation
(3) company product position
(4) the enterprise sells a network
(5) circumstance of business research and development
(6) the advantage analysis of business of compressor of business development air
8, divine steel does not have stannic compressor Inc.
(one) the business is main information
(2) company operation current situation
(3) company product structure
(4) the enterprise sells a network
(5) company product uses case analysis
(6) the advantage analysis of business of compressor of business development air
9, Guangdong limited company of force nicety machinery
(one) the business is main information
(2) the enterprise manages the current situation to analyse
(3) company product structure
(4) enterprise sale channel and network
(5) company dominant position and inferior position analysis
10, Shanghai this but limited company of compressor of subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy
(one) the company grows overview analysis
(2) the enterprise manages a case
(3) enterprise sale channel and network
(4) company dominant position and inferior position analysis
Industry of compressor of air of China of the 9th chapter grows an environment to have an insight into
Economy of industry of compressor of air of the first China (Economy) environmental analysis
One, Chinese macroscopical economy grows the current situation
(one) Chinese GDP and growth circumstance
(2) Chinese industry economy grows a situation
(3) fixed assets invests circumstance analysis
2, progress of Chinese macroscopical economy is looked into
(one) international orgnaization is added to Chinese GDP fast forecast
(2) domestic orgnaization is added to Chinese macroscopical economic norms fast forecast
3, development of industry of Chinese air compressor and analysis of macroscopical economy dependency
Society of profession of compressor of air of the 2nd China (Society) environmental analysis
One, environment of society of air compressor profession
(one) Chinese mouth dimensions and add fast
(2) Chinese town spends horizontal change
1, Chinese town turns the current situation
2, Chinese town changes a trend to look into
(3) Chinese the sources of energy consumes a structure
2, social environment is analysed to the influence of air compressor industry
Policy of trade of compressor of air of the 3rd China (Policy) environmental analysis
One, policy is mixed related industry of national air compressor program
2, policy is mixed related industry of compressor of air of 31 provinces city program
3, the policy impact to air compressor industry
SWOT of industry of compressor of air of the 4th China is analysed
Prospect of market of industry of compressor of air of China of the 10th chapter is forecasted reach development trend to be sentenced beforehand
Industry of compressor of air of the first China grows latent capacity to evaluate
The point of growth analyses key of future of industry of compressor of air of the 2nd China
Industry of compressor of air of the 3rd China grows foreground to forecast
Industry of compressor of air of the 4th China grows a trend to analyse
Industry of compressor of air of eleventh chapter China invests strategic program strategy and proposal
Industry of compressor of air of the first China is entered with exit camp
One, air compressor industry enters camp to analyse
2, air compressor industry exits camp to analyse
(one) capital loss camp
(2) severance pay exits camp with what form
(3) strategic camp
Industry of compressor of air of the 2nd China invests risk early-warning
One, industry risk collect
2, analysis of each type risk
(one) trade policy risk
(2) industry technology risk
1, risk of talent prediction of a person's luck in a given year
2, the technology updates a risk
(3) the industry is macroscopical economic fluctuation risk
(4) venture of industry correlation estate
1, upriver correlation industry
2, downstream and associated industry
(5) industry product risk
(6) the industry is other risk
1, market competition risk
2, trade friction risk
3, the risk with fluctuant exchange rate
Industry of compressor of air of the 3rd China invests an opportunity to analyse
Industry of compressor of air of the 4th China invests value to evaluate
Industry of compressor of air of the 5th China invests strategy and proposal
One, trade investment strategy and proposal collect
2, industry business invests a proposal
(one) investment direction proposal
1, pneumatics machine invests direction to suggest
2, relevant product invests direction to suggest
(2) investment means proposal
3, compose builds company competition ability proposal
(one) research and development and design ability
(2) dimensions and operation ability
(3) service and quick response ability
(4) product cost and quality control ability
Industry of compressor of air of the 6th China can develop a proposal continuously
One, the industry can grow proposal pool continuously
2, main proposal analysis
(one) extend pattern of strategy of entire industry chain
(2) product diversity changes strategic pattern
(3) arrive from production service strategy mode
(4) arrive from low end high-end strategy mode
(5) the country gives policy to encourage
Chart catalog
The main use of chart air compressor
Chart air compressor is main the product classifies a method
Industry of chart air compressor superintends a system
Superintendency department of trade of chart air compressor is main function
Chart ends system of occupation standard of Chinese air compressor built a case 2023 (unit: % , )
Chart air compressor industry is active since 2016 standard collect
Chart " cubage type air compresses value of functional effect demarcate to reach can effect grade " edit content
Trend of innovation of technology of industry of chart pneumatics machine
Chart 2016-2022 year the world and GDP of main economy system compared to the same period increase rate (unit: % )
Chart 2016-2022 year trend of change of American gross domestic product pursues (unit: -727379968 dollars, % )
Chart 2018-2022 year quarter of euro area GDP changes compared to the same period (unit: % )
Chart 2009-2022 year circumstance of Japanese GDP change (unit: % )
Chart 2023-2024 year economy of main economy system adds the whole world fast forecast (unit: % )
Chart ends innovation of Japanese science and technology is integrated 2023 the strategy is main content
Chart the whole world is of all kinds 2021 model circumstance of air compressor sales volume (unit: 10 thousand)
Chart 2016-2022 year dimensions of market of global air compressor (unit: 100 million dollars)
Chart 2020-2022 year dimensions of market of compressor of air of global industry domain (unit: 100 million dollars)
Chart air compressor applies industry and setting
Chart ends industry of global air compressor is representative 2023 enterprise annex and recombine incident collect
Pattern of competition of industry of compressor of air of chart whole world
Chart 2022-2027 year dimensions of market of global air compressor forecasts (unit: 100 million dollars)
Compressor of chart China air develops course
Chart rotates type compressor produces flow
Chart rotates type compressor technological process
Chart 2013-2023 year patent applies for related industry of Chinese pneumatics machine and accredit amount (unit: )
Chart up to technical patent applicant formed TOP10 related industry of Chinese pneumatics machine in April 2023 (unit: )
Chart up to technical patent distributinged related industry of Chinese pneumatics machine in April 2023 domain TOP10 (unit: )
Trend of innovation of technology of industry of machine of chart China pneumatics
Chart 2017-2023 year company of Chinese pneumatics aircraft is new register a measure (unit: )
Chart 2019-2022 year Chinese general motivation presses machine crop with cubage type sky (unit: 10 thousand)
Chart 2018-2022 year sale of product of machine of pneumatics of company of aircraft of Chinese representative pneumatics (unit: 10 thousand)
Chart 2016-2022 year battalion of enterprise of above of dimensions of industry of Chinese air compressor receives total (unit: 100 million yuan)
Chart 2019-2022 year production and marketing of product of machine of pneumatics of company of aircraft of Chinese representative pneumatics leads (unit: % )
HS piles up chart compressor imports and exports
Chart 2018-2023 year amount of imports and exports of industry of Chinese air compressor (unit: 100 million dollars)
Chart 2021-2022 year structure of product of entrance of industry of Chinese air compressor expresses (unit: Stage, 100 million dollars)
Chart Chinese air compressor is main 2022 the product imports a structure (by amount) (unit: % )
Chart 2021-2022 year structure of product of exit of industry of Chinese air compressor expresses (unit: Stage, 100 million dollars)
Chart Chinese air compressor is main 2022 the product exports a structure (by amount) (unit: % )
Industry of compressor of chart China air grows pain spot to analyse
Echelon formation of competition of industry of compressor of chart China air is analysed
Chart representative business market separated industry of compressor of our country air 2021 the forehead (unit: % )
Chart industry of compressor of our country air is representative first half of the year 2022 situation of business of enterprise air compressor (unit: 100 million yuan)
Chart 2020-2021 year enterprise of CR5 of air compressor industry spends an analysis centrally (unit: % )
Competition ability of company of foreign capital of industry of chart air compressor is evaluated
Inside industry of chart air compressor endowment evaluation of company competition ability
Industry of chart air compressor has the competition of the enterprise to analyse
Potential entrant menace analyses industry of chart air compressor
Ability of bargain of advanced position of industry of chart air compressor is analysed
Downstream bargain ability analyses industry of chart air compressor
Industry of compressor of chart China air integration analysis of 5 force competition
Chart 2019-2023 year production industry of Chinese air compressor joins financing incident pool (unit: 100 million yuan, 10 thousand yuan)
Chart ends to Chinese air compressor made an industry hold concurrently 2023 and recombine incident collect
Catenary of industry of chart air compressor
A collection of illustrative plates of zoology of catenary of industry of compressor of chart China air
Structure of cost of trade of Chinese air compressor analysed chart 2021 (unit: % )
Chart representative company cost took trade of Chinese air compressor 2021 than all be worth (unit: % )
Chart 2012-2022 year crop of Chinese rolled steel and increase rate compared to the same period (unit: 100 million tons, % )
Chart 2012-2022 year consumption of apparent of countrywide rolled steel and growth circumstance (unit: 100 million tons, % )
Chart 2022-2023 year price of our country rolled steel (unit: Yuan / ton)
Chart 2016-2022 year circumstance of change of crop of 10 kinds of nonferrous metal of Chinese (unit: 10 thousand tons)
Chart 2016-2022 year amount of imports and exports of nonferrous metal product (contain gold) circumstance (unit: 100 million dollars)
Chart 2022-2023 year index of price of our country nonferrous metal (unit: Dot)
Chart 2016-2022 year Chinese cast crop (unit: 10 thousand tons)
Chart 2014-2021 year crop of qualitative cast of different capable person (unit: 10 thousand tons)
Chart 2014-2021 parades demand of cast of course of study changes year circumstance (unit: 10 thousand tons)
Chart industry of our country cast is representative first half of the year 2022 appear on the market company cast battalion accepts scale (unit: 100 million yuan)
Chart 2016-2022 year crop of our country AC motor (unit: Myriad is made of baked clay)
The diplomatic relation in year sheds chart 2017-2022 amount of motor imports and exports (unit: 100 million dollars)
Company of representative electric machinery grows chart circumstance
Chart 2016-2021 year forehead of sales revenue of TOP50 of market of Chinese control a powerful person is comparative (unit: 100 million yuan)
China controlled chart 2021 pattern of competition of market of a powerful person (unit: % )
The effect that position of industry of chart form a complete set develops to pneumatics machine industry is summed up
Market of fractionize of chart air compressor
Compressor of chart screw type uses a field
Chart 2016-2022 year crop of screw type compressor (unit: 10 thousand)
Chart A appear on the market situation of professional work of engine of enterprise screw pneumatics
Chart 2017-2022 year industry of Chinese screw compressor is representative circumstance of change of enterprise compressor business income (unit: 100 million yuan)
Chart 2017-2022 year our country is small output of country of small-sized piston compressor (unit: 10 thousand)
Chart 2017-2022 year industry of Chinese piston compressor is representative circumstance of change of income of enterprise compressor business (unit: 100 million yuan)
Chart 2020-2022 year circumstance of crop of compressor of type of our country vortex (unit: Stage)
Chart is different the domain uses requirement to pneumatics machine product
Chart 2016-2022 year income of business of battalion of Chinese machinist owner (unit: -727379968 yuan)
Transition of chart machinery manufacturing industry upgrades circumstance
Product of machine of pneumatics of chart machinery manufacturing industry uses range
Chart 2019-2022 year battalion of Chinese petro-chemical industry closes reach trend of profit total change (unit: -727379968 yuan)
Chart 2016-2022 year trend of change of Chinese crude output (unit: 100 million tons)
Chart 2016-2022 year quantitative change of treatment of Chinese crude oil turns a tide (unit: 100 million tons)
Chemical industry grew chart 2022 circumstance (unit: % )
Product of machine of pneumatics of chart petrifaction industry uses range
Chart 2013-2022 year investment of Chinese power project builds the specified number (unit: 100 million yuan)
Chart 2013-2022 year installed capacity of dynamo of Chinese full requirements (unit: -1530494976 watt-hour)
Chart 2022 structure of Chinese dynamo installed capacity (unit: One billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two watt-hour, % )
Chart basically saves situations of 2023 project of project of electrified wire netting
Product of machine of pneumatics of chart power industry uses range
Metallurgy travel owner wanted chart 2022 product output and add fast (unit: 100 million tons, % )
Mining industry grew chart 2022 circumstance (unit: % )
Industry of chart metallurgy engineering grows a tendency
Industry of mining of main 2023 province grows chart program
Product of machine of pneumatics of chart metallurgy industry uses range
Chart air compressor is classified in the application in food industry
Moving circumstance of our country light industry summed up chart 2022
Chart air compressor is classified in the application in food industry
Chart 2016-2022 year business income of production company of information of dimensions above electron (unit: -727379968 yuan)
Production owner of Chinese electron information wanted chart 2022 the product produces a situation (unit: 100 million, 100 million, % )
Chart 2014-2022 year fixed assets of manufacturing industry of Chinese electron information invests dimensions (unit: 100 million yuan, % )
Machine of chart China pneumatics applies market strategy position to analyse downstream
Contrast of condition of representative company position analyses industry of chart whole world and Chinese air compressor (unit: 100 million yuan)
Chart Sweden A pulls Si Kepuke especially basic message list
Chart 2017-2022 year Swedish A pulls Si Kepu especially Ke Ying accepts scale (unit: Ke Lang of 100 million Sweden)
Swedish A drew chart especially 2022 Si Kepukeji is round each business occupies than the circumstance (unit: % )
Swedish A drew chart especially 2022 Si Kepukeji is round order distributinging circumstance (by the area) (unit: % )
Chart Sweden A pulls Si Kepukeji especially the group develops course in China
This information expresses Suo Lanji of flower case of chart United States
Company of Suo Lan of flower case of chart United States grows course
Chart 2016-2022 year battalion of company of Suo Lan of American flower case accepts scale (unit: 100 million dollars)
Scope of business of each department of firm of Suo Lan of flower case of chart United States