Pneumatics machine applies in industrial domain and life domain very extensive, although be machine of a fittings, but pneumatics machine makes the action that deliver goods great. A lot of enterprises and individual do not know how to choose appropriate empty press, is pneumatics aircraft general how many money? How to choose appropriate empty press?
Pneumatics machine is classified
Will distinguish from the type, main component is pneumatics machine two kinds big, it is cubage type compressor and centrifugal type compressor commonly, centrifugal type compressor also makes dynamic compressor, the name with different knowledge just. In addition, distinguish according to main configuration, pneumatics machine also can be divided it is 3 kinds, main component is stationary compressor, movable type compressor and portable compressor.
The basis uses setting to choose
A lot of enterprises and individual do not know how to choose appropriate empty press, actually, choice pneumatics confidential chooses according to using setting. For example, a few larger, the empty press of stationary, do not suit to compare close together place to use in the space, can choose movable type instead machine of portable perhaps pneumatics. If be factory interior,fixed workshop is used, it is to should select stationary pneumatics engine of course, force of stationary pneumatics motor-driven is powerful, have high flow and tall voltage.
See manufacturing businessman
Pneumatics machine basically applies a domain to have a lot of, classification also has different, when selecting pneumatics engine, be certain even manufacturer. Manufacturer home is more professional and opposite for be worth to trust quite, professional manufacturer can assure quality, especially old brand manufacturer, pay attention to credit. Enrage for example get the better of pneumatics machine to produce manufacturer, production is made more professional.
Pneumatics machine price
Pneumatics machine price is decided according to classification and size, price of machine of each model pneumatics is different, everybody can choose a few to undertake contrast more.